We believe that sixty-six holy books / Old and New Testament / are all written word by word under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and therefore they are the absolute authoritative guide for our faith, life and conduct.
2) We believe in one God who lives forever, oneness and trinity, threeness and oneness, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
3 ) We believe in God the Father, who is above all, works in all, lives in all, is all in Him, and we are in Him.
4) We believe that Jesus Christ is conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, the only Son of God, a perfect eternal God and a perfect man.
5) We believe that the Holy Spirit is the eternal God who exists by himself, guides to all truth and comforts
6) We believe that all the moving and non-moving, visible and invisible creatures that live in heaven and on earth were created by God
8)We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day, and that all who believe in him will be saved from eternal damnation by his grace and will be justified.
10)We believe that whoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and repents of his sins, and accepts Christ as his Lord and Savior, is born again by the word of God and the Holy Spirit, is a child of God and is saved forever.
12) We believe that all those who believe in Christ and are saved have renounced worldliness and sinfulness and are called to a holy life. Romans 12:1-21, Titus 2:12-13,Jacob 4:4,1John 2:15-17,Ephesus 2:10:: John 3:3, 5:24 ,Galatea 3:24-26,1Peter 18.1:23 ,1John 5:13
13) All gifts of grace are to be given to each one as the Holy Spirit permits, to be used in an appropriate and orderly way. Rome 12:6-81,
1 Corinthians 12:4-11,Ephesus 4:7-13,1 Peter 4:10,1 Corinthians 14:12,26: 40, 1 Corinthians 1:714)
That our Lord Jesus Christ will suddenly come in person before the seven great tribulation years to take all the New Testament believers from the world; We believe that after the seven great years of tribulation, he will come again and reign on earth for a thousand years.John 14:1-3,1Thessalonians 4:13-18,5:1-2 ,
16) We believe that the dead will be resurrected bodily and that the rebellious will enter into eternal punishment and the righteous into eternal joy.
17) Water baptism is performed by completely immersing in water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is a ritual to express our faith in the Lord and our resurrection from death to sin. Only the born again is worthy of baptism. It is the local church that has been given the authority to baptize. We believe that it is premeditated and has no saving power.
18) We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a ritual to remember that the Lord suffered for our sins and entered into a new covenant, and when we take it, we announce His death and resurrection until the Lord comes, but it does not lead to eternal life.
19) The local church of the New Testament means those who believe and are baptized: to worship God and build each other up; A group of believers who have a mission to deliver the gospel to the whole world. A self-governing divine organization; We believe that she is a body of Christ who is Christ himself
20) We believe that the Church will not interfere in the government’s political affairs